Solar Farm Inspection

The objective of the inspection is to identify the faulty/Damaged Solar Panels so they can be replaced by the manufacturers while they are in warranty, maximize output/efficiency and minimizing maintenance cost. We Aeromat Aerial Inspections to provide accurate and detailed inspections faster and more cost effectively.

To ensure a failure-free operation, a mechanism needs to be in place which is fast, simple and reliable to evaluate. Hence more and more solar panel installers work with ABJ Drones UK experienced thermographers; we offer regular thermal imaging inspections to ensure the safety and effective deployment of solar systems.

Benefits of Drones for Solar Farm Inspections

Let's Look at Some Ways we Work Across the Solar Industry

During site development, drones collect data for topographic modeling, site shading assessment, water body and generator proximity, and soil type analysis to understand how optimized a site is for power generation.

For many solar plants, an annual inspection is a requirement and one of the most valuable uses of drones. As discussed in the previous section, drones can complete 100% IR inspections in a fraction of the time of typical manual inspections, while avoiding hazardous man-hours and providing better data.

Drone imagery is used to assess vegetation conditions between array racking. Locations where sample vegetation imagery was captured are displayed on a 2D map and images showing concerning conditions are flagged.